A New Online Game Built on Carbon-Neutral Civilization is a new online game that has recently caught the attention of many social media users. It is an MMO RTS game that challenges players to build and manage civilizations in a CO2 neutral environment. Players can join battles, conquer villages, and earn prizes, making it a fun and emerging gameplay experience. This article will provide an overview of, discuss the different features, and explain how to buy NFTs. Additionally, the article will explore the larger picture of humanity’s economic prosperity and the importance of carbon neutrality in society.

Overview of is an online game that offers a unique and challenging gameplay experience. It is an MMO RTS game, played from a bird’s eye view, that tasks players with building and managing civilizations in a CO2 neutral environment. The game structure is a large dynamic land map of hexagonal form, partially filled with NFT plots. There are plots owned by the AI, which offer resources through the takeover of settlements controlled by the AI.

The game has several different factions, each with its own visual strengths and weaknesses. There are three factions in the Medieval Time, including the Frozen Vanguard, Storm Bringers, and Water Bone. The Frozen Vanguard faction looks like a Viking coming out of Norway, while the Storm Bringers look like warriors from 300. The Water Bone faction is the author’s favorite, as it looks like Aquaman. Each faction has its own strengths and weaknesses, and players can choose how they want to run their life inside the game structure.

Features of offers a variety of features that make it an exciting game to play. One of the unique features is the NFT plots that are partially filled with resources, such as wheat, iron, clay, and wood. There are also landmarks that help to buffer troops with other NFTs. The game also has heroes with unique abilities that enhance the gameplay experience, skins, and decoratives that visually distinguish armies and bases.

Once players have adequately upgraded and expanded their settlements, they can train units like Fund Affairs, Frost Stallions, and Tidal Wardens. Additionally, players can use siege weapons called Ice Blade Ballet to attack and defend their settlements. The goal of the game is to neutralize as much CO2 as possible, and players can view a dynamic CO2 offset meter to see how they share the reward pool.

Buying NFTs on 

Players can buy NFTs on by using Open C, which takes them to the exact contract address. Players should be cautious and only use trusted links to avoid scams. The floor price for NFT trees is currently at 12.5 USD C, and players can get a Genesis, Premium, Standard, or NFT3 batch.

The Bigger Picture: is not just a game; it has a more significant purpose to society. Humanity is thriving, and economic prosperity is everywhere, but the world’s economy is growing every year, and more people are joining as inhabitants. Companies are focusing on profits and growth like never before. However, this growth comes at a cost to the environment, and carbon neutrality is becoming an increasingly important issue. is an excellent example of how online games can contribute to a more sustainable world. By challenging players to build and manage civilizations in a CO2 neutral environment, the game promotes carbon neutrality and encourages players to think about their impact on the environment. It is a unique way to educate players on the importance of carbon neutrality while having fun.


While may seem like just another online game at first glance, its focus on sustainability and CO2 neutrality sets it apart from others in the genre. By challenging players to build and manage civilizations in a way that does not take part in to climate change, helps to promote awareness of environmental issues and the importance of sustainable living.

Players must balance the needs of their civilization with the need to minimize CO2 emissions, requiring strategic planning and decision-making. This can help to develop critical thinking skills and promote an understanding of the importance of environmental sustainability.

Overall, is a unique and exciting way to engage with environmental issues and promote sustainable living, while also enjoying a fun and challenging online game.

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